2011. április 28., csütörtök

És megint egy mérföldkő/And yet another milestone

Az egyszarvú hetedik lapja kész! És mivel a maradék nyolcból hat csak darab lap, azt hiszem, hivatalosan is túl vagyok a felén! Most szokás szerint egy hétig pihentetem.

Page seven of the Unicorn is complete! And since six out of the eight remaining pages are partial pages, I think I'm officially done with more than half of it! As usual, I'm letting it rest for a week.

De a Gaudí egén jövő héten is dolgozni fogok.

But I'm gonna keep on working on Gaudí's sky next week too.

2 megjegyzés:

  1. The end of the unicorn is in sight! It's gorgeous, can't wait to see more! I love Gaudi, too. It seems like a pleasant pattern to work on. Big blocks of sky and some confetti with the other bits. Lovely. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks a lot! I love working on both of them! Although I'm sure the more confetti-heavy parts will be pretty tough for both wips :)
