2011. augusztus 12., péntek

Chuck és a második szakasz/Chuck vs. Phase Two

Végre eljött ez a nap is, már nem csak a fekete látszik a képen! :D A Nerd Herder-ben lévő 304-es öltések elkészültek, most már a felirat jön!

This day has finally arrived, the black is not the only color visible in the wip! I've finished all the stitches of 304 in the Nerd Herder, now it's on to the sign!

7 megjegyzés:

  1. Egyszerűen nem bírok leállni vele, és közben meg lelkiismeretfurdalásom van, mert a többit meg hanyagolom, főleg szegény Montecristómat :DDD

  2. Congratulations, another color. Whoo hoo!!

  3. Thanks! And now that I've started it, I just can't stop! It feels pretty bad to neglect my other wips, but I can't help it :D

  4. I totally understand. You just sort of get in the zone!!!

  5. OMG I have just stumbled across this. What a great idea for a project! Chuck is my favourite TV show, and your picture is coming along great!!

  6. Yay, a fellow Chuck fan! As the Captain would say, AWESOME! :D Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like my "little" project! I've actually been thinking about starting a Chuck-themed stitching blog, maybe even a SAL, but haven't found anyone else as obsessed as I am who would join me... :D
