Ha csak egy hétre is, de megszakadt a zöldhullám, és végre ismét az arcokkal foglalkozhattam! :)))) 1127 öltésnyi 612-essel gyarapodott a mű, elsősorban Diggle karjai :D
The green wave was finally on pause, even if for a single week, and I could finally work on the faces again! :)))) I've put in 1127 stitches of 612, most of which went into Diggle's arms :D
Great job =) But I somehow feel like you have a couple of more greens to deal with ;-) But you will manage!
VálaszTörlésLOL, you must be psychic! :DDDD I actually have 5 different shades of green before the next brown that goes into the faces :DDDDDD But then it's gonna be skin tones for 3 rounds! :DDD